Picton and Wilton Anglican Churches

Roster Role: W5 Weekly Clean


Please clean before the Sunday (Saturday is ideal if possible, but please check whether anything is on in the building first - https://pwac.org.au/room-bookings/)

There is a lockbox with keys to access the building, please sms Ben - 0414 920 706 if you need the access code.

Each week the following needs to be completed, then signed off on the back of the cleaning cupboard door.

  • Thorough clean of Bathrooms
  • Check toilet paper supplies and replenish from cleaning store
  • Check hand drying paper towel replenish from cleaning store - use key on hook behind cleaning door to open hand drying towel
  • Thorough clean of Kitchen (Incl empty fridge and cupboards of old food, everything off benches)
  • Empty all bins into large bins near hedge (bins in kitchen, quiet room (baby change), toilets, kids store room, etc...)
  • Mop Bathrooms/Kitchen/Hall
  • Clean glass doors if necessary
  • Tidy and vacuum where needed (areas should be vacuumed after each event so this usually won’t be necessary, but you need to double check)

Complete one of the Extra Cleaning Jobs. (Date when completed on list inside cleaning cupboard)

  • Thorough dust (incl. Skirting boards and windowsills)
  • Clean windows
  • De-cobweb, inside and out
  • Thorough clean of breezeway (hose down)
  • Any other jobs that won’t be done on a weekly basis

If there are supplies needed let Donna Webster know - 0414 972 051.